Heroku and other free hosting services

Date 02/12/2014

Task for today

Create a blog that is based on Express and publish it to Heroku/OpenShift or similar.

  • Create a free account in the given hosting provider and setup SSH keys

  • Create a repository at GitHub that is used for the development of the blog

  • Publish the blog by pushing it to the provider, such as git push heroku master

  • Profit...?

While doing the task, find out whether to use existing blogging tool or create your own with Express.

Examples for the task

Plain Express initiated with its generator


Source code https://github.com/expressjs/generator

npm i -g express-generator
express lorenzos-sweets
cd lorenzos-sweets
npm i
DEBUG=lorenzos-sweets ./bin/www

Now open the browser at http://localhost:3000 and you should see simple start page.


https://ghost.org/ http://support.ghost.org/installation/

Download the latest release from https://github.com/TryGhost/Ghost/releases, unzip it and rename the folder as lorenzos-sweets.

npm i
npm start

Now open the browser at http://localhost:2368 and you should see something, but there is most likely an error due to missing database configuration.

Last updated